Covid-19 Is a True Boner-Killer...or is it?
Covid-19 Is a True Boner-Killer: The pandemic is having a very real impact on our sex lives Charles Orgbon III (Bold Italic)

We all know the tell-tale signs of a symptomatic Covid-19 infection, but the virus’s attack on the world has created much quieter issues, from depression and anxiety to, yes, our sex lives. In general, many of us are having a hard (or soft) time getting it up. I would know, because I’ve still been having sex with men during the pandemic, albeit cautiously.
Since moving to the Bay Area in 2018, I’ve had my own sexual revolution. I’ve enjoyed exploring my queer sexuality as safely as I can manage. For example, I finally got the foursomes I had always dreamed of. Move over 69. Try 469. But the novel coronavirus is putting a kink into my recent sexual exploration. I also can say that the penises I saw when I arrived two years ago are not like the penises I’ve seen lately. The pensises of 2020 (and now 2021) are less perky. They need more warming up, more patience, more empathy.
In an effort to reduce risk and be as safe as possible, after a few weeks of texting, a few phone dates, and a serious discussion about Covid-19 vulnerability factors, I’ve still been engaging in casual sex. The lingering risk, however, fails to match the reward when about one out of every two men I’m encountering can’t even keep it hard. “I’m not surprised by those numbers,” said Neena Joiner, owner of Downtown Oakland’s adult novelty and art gallery, Feelmore.
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